Photo Credits: Feel Ghood Music

BIBI comes back with the pre-release single ‘Animal Farm’

BIBI released her pre-release single ‘Animal Farm‘ ahead of her upcoming album ‘Lowlife Princess – Noir‘.

Once again BIBI is outdoing herself with an unexpected single that tells the story of how “(…)in any society there are bound to be victims” (Source: Youtube). We’re assuming this is a reference to the book by George Orwell.

Animal Farm‘ is dark, but beautifully put together in a single with incredible music and outstanding vocalisation. BIBI’s vocal range really shows in this single, and the composition of this single just get more and more surprising as it plays.

For the music video she seeks revenge, and displays impressive fighting skills. This production is definitely one of a kind, the message and set up of this visual film is very impressive, the direction, special effects and creative vision are incredible, every single shot is just outstanding. Watch it below.

(Trigger Warning: there is a lot of blood, violence and graphics scenes)

Listen to this single here.

K-Beauty enthusiast, Drama Lover, Melophile and Foodie, writing about her faves on a daily basis.