AMPERS&ONE is the latest boy group debut under FNC Entertainment, consisting of Kamden, Brian, Jiho, Siyun, Mackiah, Kyrell, and Seungmo, this group is ready to hit the stage with their debut single album ‘AMPERAND ONE’ including three singles.
The title track ‘On And On‘ launches the album with infectious grooves in a playful pop single. The rap-line commands attention with a stylish delivery, and the hip-hop section adds a compelling vibe. The experience only elevates with the infusion of cool melodies and harmonies. In the accompanying music video, the members shine in dynamic performance sequences and effortlessly cool solo shots..# Watch it below.
‘Sweet & Sour‘ begins with a delightful guitar hook that instantly captivates listeners. The vocal-line takes center stage in this single, showcasing impeccable vocalization and harmonies. The tempo and sweet flow of this single add a charming touch, creating a harmonious listening experience.
Closing this debut single album is ‘Sheesh,’ injecting a dose of funk with a fantastic musical arrangement and a captivating build-up. The hook in this single is undeniably dope, and the members deliver a stellar performance in every second of the song.
AMPERS&ONE delivered a delightful debut release, offering a collection of sweet melodies that make for an enjoyable and entertaining listen. Makes sure to check this release here.
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