magic strawberry sound

EP Review: CHEEZE – I can’t tell you everything

Indie favourite CHEEZE is back with a new EP ‘I can’t tell you everything’. I’m always happy to listen to new songs by her, because she’s brilliant. Let’s dive in!

I can’t tell you everything

The first track of the EP is ‘icanttellUeverything’ and starts off with a sound that reminds me of a barrel piano, you know a piano with one of those cranks you have to spin for the sound to come out. It feels very old school and I’m in love with it. CHEEZE’s vocals add to the nostalgic feel and it makes for a very solid track.

‘Today’s Mood’ is next and came with an unbelievably cute new music video.

This track feels very much up her alley. It’s cute, with some interesting instrumentals and a little bit of funky piano thrown in. The music video looks really fun and I also want to chill on a magic bus without losing any time. 

‘Today’s Mood’ is followed by ‘That’s ok’. At first I thought it’d be a slower song because of the almost R&B intro, but the chorus gave it a twist that I didn’t see coming. It’s groovy and honestly the chorus is super fun and catchy. 

‘Watercolour’ is up next and the guitar intro gave me LIFE. Her vocals are so breathy and light in ‘Watercolour’ and I feel like it really fits the theme. Her voice is wispy, very much like watercolours. This song is perfect for a grey day with a cup of coffee which is exactly the kind of day I’m having so, guess I’ll be playing this on repeat.

The last track on the EP is ‘Excuse’. As soon as the piano started I knew this was going to be a ballad. CHEEZE does ballads so well. Her little harmonies with herself are perfect and add some dynamicity to the track. 


I really enjoyed ‘I can’t tell you everything’ by CHEEZE. I think it’s a really solid piece of work and fits her general discography well. It has all the elements that make CHEEZE so great while still feeling very refreshing. Go check it out!

You can find the EP on Spotify here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.