Photo credits go to the rightful owner. Pictured here: Jeong Hyeon

Weekly K-Indie Report

We’re back with our Weekly K-Indie Report. Let’s take a closer look at which new releases our favorite indie artists came out with.

BOJEONG released ‘Unreal’.

Find it here.

Erotic Worms Exhibition came out with ‘Bones and Wheels’.

Find it here.

Lee Seung Hyun released the EP ‘Worthless’.

Find it here.

The Orchard is back with ‘Dizzy Dizzy I feel so alone’.

Find it here.

Gitim released ‘Deep Sleep’.

Find it here.

Damduck is back with ‘Glasses’.

Find it here.

Haina Maika Puana released ‘Funeral Song’.

Find it here.

Shyloh released ‘Fallen Angel’.

Find it here.

ALEPH is back with the mini-album ‘Natural I’.

Find it here.

Lee go Do released ‘Face’.

Find it here.

Chanmin came out with ‘Last Parade’.

Find it here.

Sweater released ‘Dear’.

Find it here.

Muun came out with ‘Green bird’.

Find it here.

GAEUN released the ballad ‘Letting Go’.

Find it here.

Mabinc dropped ‘This night passes by like this again’.

Find it here.

Binn released ‘guest house’.

Find it here.

Irda released ‘Moon’.

Find it here.

Sisun came out with ‘In a dream’.

Find it here.

Jeong Hyeon released ‘Fat Free Mayo’.

Find it here.

Mingginyu is back with the EP ‘Your cold hand’.

Find it here.

Min Cloudia released ‘The Old Man and the Cloud’.

Find it here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.