Photo credit BIGHIT

V drops second pre-release single ‘Rainy Days’

V is back with his second pre-release single ‘Rainy Days’. Two days ago he released ‘Love Me Again’, which we wrote about here.

I really like the song description from the album info on Melon: ” It is a song that creates a unique atmosphere by harmonizing vintage and exotic percussion sounds with modern drum sounds. Various white noises in everyday life harmonize with V’s voice, further enhancing the sensitivity of the song. It is a song that stimulates nostalgia, like listening to an old jazz record on a rainy day.”

The music video is beautiful and artistic. I loved the various frames and the little addition to make it a bit more dynamic.

You can find the two singles on Spotify here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.