Our weekly report is back with the latest releases in the Korean Hip-Hop and R&B scene. In this edition we had a wave of indie artists taking over and dominating the week. Get ready for a long list of potential new finds. Let’s start! Saturday Glody released the single album ‘Hide And Seek’. Listen to this single here. KAIAVANT came ...

The first week of 2024 was packed with new finds, surprises and dope music. This year couldn’t have started better, get ready, your are in for a music trip. Let’s dive in! Saturday Kiik and ShinGiWon released the Ep ‘Sunshine Me’. Check it here. Autumn and Muffin teamed up for the single ‘Frog Man’. Find this single here. 27RING and ...

With this week’s report we are wrapping up the month of March, this time we had quite a few impressive comebacks, and new indie artists to check out. Let’s begin. Saturday  BLUEHOUR and Sunine teamed up for the single ‘Airplane’. Listen to this single here.  TOAST BOY released the EP ‘Con-Artist’. Check this release here. Nuol released the single ‘Equator’ ...

Happy New Year! this is our last list of Hip-Hop and R&B releases from 2023. This pass week was quite chill and full of indie releases. There are a couple of cool finds, let’s start. Saturday Sejin released the single album ‘#STILL’. Find it here. Kiik and ShinGiWon teamed up for the EP ‘Morning Coffee’. Check it here. Hollow Young ...

It was an amazing week in the K Hip-Hop and K RnB world. Get ready to add some incredible tunes to your playlist. Let’s start. Saturday OWLER and Lee Dori teamed up for the EP ‘Cherry Sparkling’. Listen to this release here. Silly Silky released the single album ‘SILKY: Episode 2’. Check this release here. KyongJi released the single ‘Here ...