In this week’s Hip-Hop and R&B scene we had a great mix of indie and well-known artist who delivered solid seven days of great music. Let’s dive in! Saturday DYMIN dropped the single ‘Your tone’. Check it here. 0WAVE released the single ‘be your last’. Listen to this single here. ZENE THE ZILLA came back with the single album ‘MEMO ...

Welcome back to a new week in our hip-hop and R&B report. Get ready for new releases packed with indies and alternative vibes, you are set to find dope track and new artists to add to your playlist. Let’s start. Saturday Potatoi released the single ‘Popsicle’. Listen to this single here. OUREALGOAT released the single ‘Pushover’ featuring Jeebanoff.  Find this ...

This week’s MV Rec is all about jazzy R&B, peak aesthetics, and amazing music in SAAY’s music video for her single ‘Talk 2 Me Nice’. For this music video SAAY decided to show her duality and brought to life two different alter egos with a lot of style, sensuality and impressive dancing skills. This production has a black and white ...

It was an amazing week in the K Hip-Hop and K RnB world. Get ready to add some incredible tunes to your playlist. Let’s start. Saturday OWLER and Lee Dori teamed up for the EP ‘Cherry Sparkling’. Listen to this release here. Silly Silky released the single album ‘SILKY: Episode 2’. Check this release here. KyongJi released the single ‘Here ...

Welcome back to a new weekly Hip-Hop and R&B report. Get ready for plenty of tunes and a lot of different styles. Saturday JINex dropped the single ‘Aqua’ featuring Jade. Listen to this single here. NEWTOWN BANGERS released the album ‘ANTI VOGUE’.  Listen to this album here. XIMON came back with the single album ‘ch :O D C’. Find it ...

R&B singer SAAY is back with her smooth style and vocals. This time she released the single ‘ALARM‘ with an incredible instrumentation and flow that will make more than one have this single on repeat. This single flows flawlessly with a bass and guitar riff that makes you vibe to it. It is sexy and super smooth. For the music ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. This time we had plenty of indie releases and amazing new discoveries. Let’s dive in and check them out! Saturday Beaver released the single album ‘Protective instinct’. Listen to this release here. Sushiwishfish dropped the single album ‘GO GET’EM TIGER’. Find it here.  g1nger released the single ‘You ...

We’re back with a new Offstage and this time we’re taking a closer look at August Frogs. Even if you have never heard of the name, you’ll have seen some of their products.  August Frogs is a visual lab that creates music videos and photoshoot campaigns. The director is Kim Sehee (aka Korlio) and the firm has been around since ...

For this week’s Offstage I wanted to share the work of the Korean photographer Kimmoondog. Get ready for some amazing visuals and some true artistry.  Profile Kimmoondog originally started as a hobbyist photographer and just took pictures with his iPhone.  He fell in line with a crew filled to the brim with talented people like So!YoOn and Shin Hae Gyeong. ...

SAAY is a Korean R&B singer and she’s also our topic for this R&B Gem feature. SAAY has been blessing us with her since her solo debut in 2017.  Originally she debuted in the girl group Evol. The group was active from 2012 till 2015 when some of the members left and the group unofficially disbanded. Here’s one of their ...