Photo credits: UBUNTU Ent

[Review] YUKIKA – timeabout,

YUKIKA is back with her new mini-album ‘timeabout,’. I’m super stoked about this release so let’s get to it!


We start off with ‘Leap forward (intro)’. We get some really cool synths with brass and it sets a great mood before sliding into the title track.

‘Insomnia’ is exactly why I love YUKIKA’s music. We get some really cool city-pop vibes with her beautiful vocals and a lot of retro thrown in the mix. The old-timey strings in the bridge are such a nice addition. In the music video, YUKIKA travels through time and meets her past self.

Next up is the track ‘Love Month’ that was co-composed by Space Cowboy. It’s another city-pop track that literally is a shot of serotonin. Try to not bop your head to the song, I dare you. It’s impossible. This was a pre-released track, which we wrote about here.

‘TIME TRAVEL’ follows that with some plucky strings. There’s some really lovely vocal layering in this one, that makes it a very smooth listen. There are also some brass samples thrown in. It’s fun.

With an engine starting we slide right into ‘Secret’. This feels very fresh and feels like something a girl group could have released. It’s a funky disco pop song that is a guaranteed earworm. I dig it!

‘PUNG!’ is the last song of the mini-album. The lyrics were co-written by Park Moon-chi, CHEEZE and Ahn Shinhae. It’s a cute ending song with quite a bit of soul to it. It’s absolutely lovely.

‘timeabout,’ by YUKIKA is a great release that fills the city-pop shaped hole in my heart. Go ahead and listen to this release on Spotify here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.