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[Review] TAN – TAN W SERIES ‘3TAN’

The boys from TAN released their first full-length album ‘TAN W SERIES ‘3TAN”. Let’s dive right in!


We start off with the track ‘ADRENALINE’. This is honestly a banger and a half! I like the sick beat and the vocal harmony descending on the ‘adrenaline’ part in the chorus.

Next up is the title track ‘HYPER TONIC’. This is an electro funk track with a lot of power and really stunning visuals in the MV.

Next up is ‘Love is an open door’ and I have to admit the first thing I had to think of was ‘Frozen’. Thankfully it doesn’t resemble it at all, but I would live for a remix of the two, that’d be a moment! ‘Love is an open door’ is an electro pop track with a really cool synth and a mysterious vibe.

‘Dreamy Love’ starts with a cool guitar riff and I’m digging this from the very first listen! We’re getting a pop rock track with a lot of insane vocal stacking. The bridge is literally everything!!

Next up is ‘Tmi’. We’re going pop punk! This was in the track introduction: “A song that honestly contains unchanging realities such as common hardships and feelings of inferiority.” Here the bridge is explosive and it’s great!

‘Surfin” is groovy and has a really solid bass line. I’m loving the ad-libs and the quick back and forths. It makes the song super dynamic and very refreshing!

We’re going super soft with the ballad ‘Lights’. We’re going for the classic piano instrumentation alongside some airy synths. It’s quite lovely!

‘5:45’ is a mid-tempo ballad and really brings out the sad feels. I love the intimate feel with the guitars and the very measured vocals.

The closing track is ‘AREA’. We’re ending on a hype note. We’re bringing Dance back and this is such a fun listen!

Overall, TAN really delivered a solid album showcasing their strengths with ‘TAN W SERIES ‘3TAN”. Go check it out here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.