Photo Credits: S2 Entertainment

[Review] KISS OF LIFE – Midas Touch

KISS OF LIFE is back with new music in their first single album ‘Midas Touch‘, including only two singles, we are sure these monster rookies will deliver epic music. Let’s start!

With the same name as this release, the title track plays first with heavy early 200s R&B/Pop vibes. The vocals, harmonies and rapping is this song are fantastic, very catchy and powerful, it only gets better with the high.quality and very eye-grabbing visuals, this production totally commits with the 2000s concept, with shots including amazing visual effect and CGI and a tight choreography. Check it below.

Nothing‘ is next on this release, with a R&B tempo, soft but powerful vocals, and an excellent arrangement, this track shows off KISS OF LIFE incredible vocal and rapping power with a flawless flow and smooth harmonies.

KISS OF LIFE once again surprised us with another solo release that show not only their talent but also keeps proving their ability to pull-off any genre. Check this release here.

K-Beauty enthusiast, Drama Lover, Melophile and Foodie, writing about her faves on a daily basis.