Photo credits: FCENM

[Review] ILY:1 – illang:Firework

The girls from ILY:1 are back with their latest mini-album ‘illang:Firework’. Let’s take a closer look!


We start off with the title track ‘illang:Firework’. We’re going for a tropical pop summer bop with catchy hooks, a fun rhythm and a really solid outro. I wish they had put the vocal layering and harmonies from that outro to other parts of the track as well.

‘Are you happy now?’ starts off as a beautiful, soft ballad with a really lovely electrical guitar riff. I thought it was interesting how both the tempo and the layering started picking up to bring it more into a slower pop track rather than ballad. The rap verse was kind of a surprise, but still fun. There’s even some EDM thrown in. What an intriguing track! I dig it!

Next up is ‘Ocean View’. This is a soft pop track with a House beat and lovely synths. I enjoyed the warmth of the vocals here and the nice progression.

The following track ‘IMMM‘ or ‘I MY ME MINE’ was pre-released a couple of months ago. This is such a banger, I love it so much!

Next up are the instrumental versions of the singles.

Go ahead and listen to ‘illang:Firework’ by ILY:1 here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.