We’re back with a new Label Deep Dive and this time we’re taking a closer look at the electronic record label YOUNG,GIFTED&WACK.
As written on their website: “Young planning YOUNG, GIFTED & WACK is a record label that produces young (YOUNG), blessed (GIFTED) and awesome (WACK) music and contents.”
The name of the label was inspired by ‘To Be Young, Gifted and Black’ by author and playwright Lorraine Hansberry. The company was founded in 2012 by HAVAQQUQ. He started the label to help promote LOBOTOMY, one of his friends’ music
YOUNG,GIFTED&WACK mostly focuses on producing music, but they also plan events and create projects like the RE:BORN Project where contemporary groups and artists put an old song in a new jacket. Most recently the girl group CLASS:y released the song ‘Can I call it love’ which was originally by Satellite.
Let’s take a look at some of their artists!
You can find YOUNG,GIFTED&WACK’s website here.
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