Photo credit by RBW

[Review] Hwa Sa – María

Our vocal queen Hwa Sa is back with a new mini-album ‘María’. We’ve been anxiously waiting for this to drop because Korea’s It girl always delivers amazing content.


We start off the mini with ‘Intro: Nobody Else’ that immediately sets the tone with some beautiful vocals. It feels very sentimental and I got caught in my feels a little. 

Next up is the title track ‘María’. We got this stunning music video!

The entire track feels so ‘Hwa Sa’. The chorus has a bit of Latin influences in the instrumentation. This song is such a magnificent work of art, someone frame it and put it in the Louvre please. Hwa Sa co-wrote and co-composed the track. Check out the translation.

‘Kidding’ is next and was produced by none other than ZICO. The jazz piano in this is so funky, I’m utterly in love! The effects they put on Hwa Sa’s vocals were excellent and I am literally putting this in every playlist I own. God damn, this is amazing.

The fourth track on this mini is ‘WHY’. The desperation throughout the entire song falls under the term ‘delicious pain’ for me. Please check out the lyrics, because ouwch my heart. The electronic beats add a depth to the track. 

‘I’m Bad Too’ has the only feature of the mini-album. I love DPR LIVE so imagine the excitement when I saw the tracklist. It has quite a summery vibe and I like the fact that it’s a little bit more light hearted. DPR LIVE’s feature is awesome! I love their harmony and it just sounds really playful and fun!

Next up is ‘LMM’. We get this beautiful, emotional, majestic ballad that we don’t deserve. The piano and Hwa Sa’s vocals are amazing and then we the violins come in, I was ready to dissolve in a puddle of tears. Hwa Sa co-wrote this together with Park Woosung who is one of the main producers for MAMAMOO’s releases. He’s been working with them from the start of their career. You can find the translated lyrics here.

The last track on the mini is ‘TWIT’, which was released last year.


What an absolutely amazing ride this was. ‘María’ beautifully displays all of Hwa Sa and her strengths. Honestly, we’re so lucky to have her in the industry.

The mini-album isn’t on Spotify yet, but here’s her Artist Profile, so keep an eye out. 

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.