Photo credits: SM Ent

Taeyeon goes retro in ‘Weekend’

Taeyeon is back with her new single ‘Weekend’. We’re stoked, because we’ve missed her sweet vocals.

‘Weekend’ is a Disco Pop track with very airy synths and a very light guitar sound. Her music video is filled with amazing retro fashion. That pink eye liner is to die for! I had to do a double take with the old mac computers, I haven’t seen those in ages! The colour scheme is a pastel fever dram and I love it!

Go ahead and check out the new single ‘Weekend’ by Taeyeon here.

You can find the single on Spotify here. If you want to check out our review for her previous release, you can click here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.