Photo creditsl mooee yard

Weekly K-Indie Report

We’re back with our Weekly K-Indie Report. Let’s take a closer look at which new releases our favorite indie artists came out with.

Mooee Yard released ‘Salvation’.

find it here.

Wussami came out with ‘Draculagirl’.

Find it here.

Son Hyojin came out with ‘Slowly’.

Find it here.

Perc%nt released ‘Origami’.

Find it here.

Hyejin9w9 released ‘My own isekai’.

Find it here.

HANRORO is back with the album ‘Home’.

Find it here.

Jeon Jin Hee is back to stun with ‘Raining’.

Find it here.

HAOBU released ‘Kamakura’

Find it here.

Jeon Ho Kwon released ‘변두리’.

Find it here.

Poser released ‘hahaha’.

Find it here.

Blue Jamong came out with ‘Forgotten Flower’.

Find it here.

MINKANG came out with ‘Full Bloom’.

Find it here.

Check out our monthly K-indie Spotify playlist here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.