Welcome back to a new week in our weekly hip-Hop and R&B report, get read for great comeback, indie gems and smooth music for your playlist. Let’s start! Saturday Tomnerd came back with the single ‘Cleaning’. Check it here. Lim Erin released the single ‘A Night sky’ featuring Sejin. Listen to it here. Outsider dropped the single ‘from Zero’ featuring ...

Welcome back to a new week in our hip-hop and R&B report. The music scene moved at full speed this time and left some fantastic releases, the mix this time is a bit more experimental, but nevertheless a fantastic listen. Let’s start. Saturday Arkyteccc released the album ‘deus ex machina’. Find it here. YSAP dropped the single ‘Closer’ featuring BLND. ...

Our weekly Hip-Hop and R&B report is back with new music, in this edition we have incredible comebacks and new finds that made this week EPIC. Get ready for a musical ride. Saturday VINCI released the single ‘What do you think’ featuring ZELO. Check it here. Sunday Kelly dropped the single ‘Unless’. Find it here. Geronimo released the single ‘Tonight’ ...

For this week’s Label Deep Dive, we are diving into the current talent pool of an indie label focussed on independent Hip-Hop artists. This week we are talking about ‘Talented’. Formerly known as ‘Passport Seoul’ and ‘Whip’, this label was founded by Shin Sang-hyun in 2018. Currently the label is home to over thirty-five indie artists, some of them with ...

In this week’s edition of our Hip-Hop and R&B report there are many unexpected collaborations, incredible music, and impressive new debuts. The quality in the releases of the last seven days left us shocked, the list is long, so get ready to dive in and add new music to your playlist. Let’s start! Saturday  Makin dropped the album ‘Makintosh’. Listen ...

We are back with a brand new report, this week was specially good for R&B, get ready for some music gems. Saturday KANGXIHO dropped the single ‘X 4 Love’ featuring JI HYEON MIN.  Find it here. FeelTong released the single ‘Roller Skate’. Check it out here. Roydo released the single ‘Affogato’. For more music check his Spotify profile. Lee Joohyung ...

This week we had incredible comebacks and some very impressive music drops. Sit tight and get ready for this musical ride. Saturday Leo released the single ‘Math’ featuring Gaho.  Find this release here. Yohan.D released the single album ‘RAIN’. Listen to this release here. If Enough released the single ‘Boss’. Check it here. CarTa and Anandelight teamed for the EP ...