Welcome back to a new week in our weekly hip-Hop and R&B report, get read for great comeback, indie gems and smooth music for your playlist. Let’s start! Saturday Tomnerd came back with the single ‘Cleaning’. Check it here. Lim Erin released the single ‘A Night sky’ featuring Sejin. Listen to it here. Outsider dropped the single ‘from Zero’ featuring ...

It was another great week for the Hip-Hip and R&B scene. Quality took over this week with incredible comebacks, including new finds and legends in the music scene teaming up to deliver amazing tracks. We have quite a bit to go through, let’s get right into it and get ready to add new music to your playlist. Saturday BAMGOGAEBLUES released ...

Our monthly DisKovery is back with new music that definitely surprised us with their unique sound and concept. We found a few gems this month, let’s dive in and talk about these releases. Hawoong is a brand new find, his latest EP ‘ESCAPE’ includes CRUCiAL STAR and SUMIN as features, and it was an immediate must listen. This release did ...

It is a brand new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. This week indie releases took over, and we discovered a lot of new music we want to share with you. Sit tight and get ready for a lot of recommendations with a diverse sound, and unique vibe. Let’s start. Saturday AINILL released the single ‘GOD MODE 2’. Listen ...

We are hitting our 100th week in our weekly Hip-Hop and R&B report. It has been well over one year and six months since we started this weekly music discovery journey, and we are very excited that coincidentally this week began at the same time as 2023. Let’s see what 2023 will bring the Hip-Hop and R&B music industry. Saturday ...

We are back with a new weekly report, this time indie music took over and delivered some very cool and interesting tunes. Let’s check them out! Saturday R&B singer Jiae debuted with the album ‘Love is Love’. Listen to this album here.  JOPH dropped the single ‘Run’ featuring EGON. Check it here. GOYA released the single ‘LIKE ME’ featuring Ourealgoat. ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. This time we had plenty of indie releases and amazing new discoveries. Let’s dive in and check them out! Saturday Beaver released the single album ‘Protective instinct’. Listen to this release here. Sushiwishfish dropped the single album ‘GO GET’EM TIGER’. Find it here.  g1nger released the single ‘You ...

In this week’s Hip-Hop and R&B radar we had fantastic comebacks, new debuts and the usual killing collabs. Let’s start it off. Saturday Earboy released the single album ‘Two Sides’. Check his Spotify profile for more.  CMBY dropped the single ‘Pepperoni Pizza’. Find it here. KUCCI released the single ‘LUV’ featuring D.Ark. Listen to this single here. Webley released the ...

Get ready for some very dope releases this week! Let’s start! Saturday CA$H KiD released the single ‘99 Nights’. Find this release here.  원쨩 released the single ‘N!KE’. Check this single here. Bvn Glyc dropped the single ‘Gold’. Listen to this release here. Body Cika came back with the single ‘Nody, Alright?’. This single is not available on Spotify yet. ...