Welcome back to a new week in our weekly hip-Hop and R&B report, get read for great comeback, indie gems and smooth music for your playlist. Let’s start! Saturday Tomnerd came back with the single ‘Cleaning’. Check it here. Lim Erin released the single ‘A Night sky’ featuring Sejin. Listen to it here. Outsider dropped the single ‘from Zero’ featuring ...

Welcome back to a new week in our hip-hop and R&B report. The music scene moved at full speed this time and left some fantastic releases, the mix this time is a bit more experimental, but nevertheless a fantastic listen. Let’s start. Saturday Arkyteccc released the album ‘deus ex machina’. Find it here. YSAP dropped the single ‘Closer’ featuring BLND. ...

With this week’s report we are wrapping up the month of March, this time we had quite a few impressive comebacks, and new indie artists to check out. Let’s begin. Saturday  BLUEHOUR and Sunine teamed up for the single ‘Airplane’. Listen to this single here.  TOAST BOY released the EP ‘Con-Artist’. Check this release here. Nuol released the single ‘Equator’ ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. Let’s get right into it, the list is long and the music amazing. Saturday Jinee released the single album ‘STRAIGHT’. Check it here. Doyouka released the EP ‘MY’. Listen to this release here. Sikboy and H4NYang teamed up for the single ‘SLASH’. Find it here. Gaho came back ...

We are back with a new Hip-Hop and R&B report. The releases this week were packed with surprises and incredible collabs. Get ready to add plenty of new songs to your playlist, let’s start. Saturday Doha, Beaver and Super Villain released the single ‘Jet Ski’. Find it here. OWLER and SIM2 teamed up for the album ‘Achromatic’. Listen to this ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. Indie artist took over this week, so get ready for amazing finds. Let’s start. Saturday BIGRAY and LeeMIG teamed up for the EP ‘THAT AIN’T COOL’. Listen to this release here. DJ Sparrow released the single album ‘Not like him’. Check this release here. JAEHA dropped the single ...

We are back with a new list of new releases. Sit tight and get ready for great music. Saturday GoLP released the single ‘Thinking about you’. Find this single here. Q the Trumpet dropped the EP ‘Christmas Postcard’. Find this single here. Cory jan and Kurt Simpson teamed up for the album ‘Valve’. Listen to this album here. Moon Ji ...

We had a very chill week full of very cool come backs, and a lot of indie Hip-Hop and R&B. Get ready to add some awesome tune to your playlist! Saturday Juhyeok released the single ‘Runaway’. For more music check his Spotify profile. Cullinan dropped the single ‘Metronome’ featuring lobonabeat! Listen to this single here. XenomiX released the single ‘Sober’. ...

In this week releases smooth R&B took over and we got some very killer Hip-Hop drops. Let’s start.    Sunday Yumin released the EP ‘YM’. Check this release here. Jambino released the single ‘MAMARAZZI’.   Listen to this release here.  IV dropped the single ‘I Was Right’. Check this release here. LOVO VERDI released the single ‘Utopia’.   Check out ...

We are back with a brand new list with the Hip-Hop and R&B releases of this week. Indie Hip-Hop and R&B vocals took over this week, be ready for fantastic discoveries. Sunday  KEEKAKO STUDIO released the single ‘KEEKAKO VOL.1’ featuring OVRMOD.  This is his first release, you can listen to it here.  SonSiaa released the single ‘Empty’. Listen to this ...