It was another great week for the Hip-Hip and R&B scene. Quality took over this week with incredible comebacks, including new finds and legends in the music scene teaming up to deliver amazing tracks. We have quite a bit to go through, let’s get right into it and get ready to add new music to your playlist. Saturday BAMGOGAEBLUES released ...

The first week of 2024 was packed with new finds, surprises and dope music. This year couldn’t have started better, get ready, your are in for a music trip. Let’s dive in! Saturday Kiik and ShinGiWon released the Ep ‘Sunshine Me’. Check it here. Autumn and Muffin teamed up for the single ‘Frog Man’. Find this single here. 27RING and ...

For this week’s Hip-Hop and R&B report indie artist and newcomers took the spotlight, with some unique tunes and a lot of style. Let’s dive in. Saturday HUSKI released the single ‘Crispy’. Listen to this release here.  R&B singer Lil FISH released the single ‘Heeom’. Find this single here. NOAH1LUV dropped the single ‘Surprize Show’ featuring Koonta and Dowoo. Check ...

With this week’s report we are wrapping up the month of March, this time we had quite a few impressive comebacks, and new indie artists to check out. Let’s begin. Saturday  BLUEHOUR and Sunine teamed up for the single ‘Airplane’. Listen to this single here.  TOAST BOY released the EP ‘Con-Artist’. Check this release here. Nuol released the single ‘Equator’ ...

We’re back with a new Weekly K-Indie Report. Let’s take a look to see who came back this week! Sunday vvav released ‘I got you’ featuring Ethan. Find it here. RecordVoiceMessage came out with ‘Replay’. Find it here. Monday Blue Jamong dropped ‘Actually, that’s even more heartbreaking’. Find it here. Jue came out with ‘D-Day’. Find it here. Lee Youngwon ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. This time indie artist took over and delivered a mix of tunes for every taste Saturday Gamichingoo released the single ‘Beyond Good and Evil’. Listen to this single here. Ye Rim dropped the single ‘Round and Round’. Check it here. Max Kim released the album ‘MAX VICE’, Find ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. Indie artist took over this week, so get ready for amazing finds. Let’s start. Saturday BIGRAY and LeeMIG teamed up for the EP ‘THAT AIN’T COOL’. Listen to this release here. DJ Sparrow released the single album ‘Not like him’. Check this release here. JAEHA dropped the single ...

We are back with a brand new Hip-Hop and R&B report. This week was packed with fantastic comebacks from rising artist. Let’s dive in. Saturday R&B singer Jerry released the single ‘Good Night’. Find it here. Heyden dropped the EP ‘Days and nights’. Listen to this release here. LOLLY released the single album ‘Love$ick’. Listen to this release here. Donutman ...

At this point I’m lost how time is passing because April is already gone again. To celebrate the coming of May, we’ve listed all of our favorite Korean releases of the month of April. That way we can take a look back to see if we didn’t miss anything. 3YE – STALKER Colde – Light Lee Jin Hyuk – 5K ...

We’re back with a new Weekly Korean Indie Report. Let’s see who released new music! So sit back, relax and enjoy all of this new content. SUNDAY KYUL released the new single ‘We’re in Love Now’ and I’m obsessed. You can find the single here. ZINGO came out with the new ‘spring fever’. You can listen to it here. Heju ...