This week’s Hip-Hop and R&B report features indie artist carving their way in the music scene with fantastic tunes and a lot of creativity. Get ready for a total vibey ride. Let’s start. Saturday KAZUN released the single ‘MOMENT’ featuring Taeb2. Find it here. IFCHAN dropped the single ‘Sweet Light’ featuring seoseo.  Check it here. Yang Kyle came back with ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. This week we had many new discoveries, get ready to add some criminally underrated artists to your playlist. Let’s Start. Saturday JA!L released the single ‘Pay for it!’. Check it here. 4BOUT released the single ‘Sunbed’. Find it here. From all to human came back with the album ...

We are back with a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report, get ready for great comebacks and a few new discoveries to add to your playlist. Let’s dive in. Saturday Ambid Jack released the album ‘Freudian’.  Listen to this release here.  Home Slice debuted with the EP ‘Homie World’. Check this release here. Jooyoung released the single ‘As ...

We are back with a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. This week we had great releases and a lot of comebacks. Let’s get right into and check the music. Saturday HEUN released the single ‘OFF’ featuring FIZZIE. Check this release here. Clock dropped the single ‘DAWN’. Find it here. NYOON released the EP ‘O (Circle)’. Listen to ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. This week was all about indie releases and awesome comebacks. Let’s dive right in! Saturday Ilbum released the EP ‘Point Of View’. Listen to this release here. Lim Hae-rum dropped the single album ‘Seeya’. Check it here. Sunday Suitz released the single ‘Pull Me Inside Of Me’. Find ...

RAVI is back with his second album ‘LOVE & FIGHT‘. He’s been constantly putting music out and the diversity of the tracks has been unbelievable. For this release he went for a rock vibe that really took me to the early 2000s angst. The mix of the beats in the tracks and his rapping is super cool, but before we ...

We had a rather quiet week in the Hip-Hop and R&B music radar. Nevertheless, the EPs, singles and collabs we got are absolute fire. Let’s dive in. Saturday MALO released the single ‘Sunset’. Find it here. Rico dropped the single ‘Sexual Healing’. Check this release here. Gist came back with the album ‘Beginning’. Listen to this release here. Sunday  Seoseo ...

Indie artists took over this week and delivered incredible music. Get ready to dive into some incredible EPs and singles. Let’s start. Saturday Lil Boy Dream and Da All Park dropped the single ‘MY HEAD’. This single is not available on Spotify. Boyboyboy released the single album ‘TWO BALLAD’. Listen to this release here. Benkidish and Jeremy teamed up for ...

Welcome to this week’s Hip-Hop and R&B report. This time we had some very smooth releases and awesome collabs. Let’s start.  Saturday CODIN released the single ‘Drive’. Listen to this single here. NOAH1LUV dropped the single ‘Spacing Out’ featuring WUTAN and Koonta. Check this single here. Chaboom and Leebido released the EP ‘HOT STUFF 2’. Find this release here. Leo ...

Welcome back to a new Hip-Hop/R&B report. This week we had a lot on Indie Hip-Hop released and some fresh R&B tunes. Let’s start.  Sunday Quinn_ released the single ‘don’t ask me why i’m hurting’. Listen to this release here. Acy blu dropped the single ‘Nonlove’. Listen to this release here. DJ Sparrow and bluewoods released the single ‘Glitch Love’, ...