The girls from WOOAH are back with their new mini-album ‘UNFRAMED’ where the members are running towards new musical adventure and growth. Let’s take a closer look!


We start off the album with the track ‘I’ll tell you’. This sets a really cool tone with the beat, the pizzazz and the cool layered instrumentals. The whispering, as always, is a hit. I also liked the build-up towards the hella cool chorus.

After that comes ‘POLAROID’ which is a nice pop track with a slower momentum and a bittersweet message. I like the progression of this single and the outstanding vocals.

Next up is the title track ‘POM POM POM’. This is a super fun pop punk track with sick guitars, a really cool chorus and some sick swagger. This is empowerment, power and charisma in one super cool package.


Next up comes the pre-released ‘Blush’ which we wrote about here.

Girls love boys’ is up next. This is a summer bop which will have you grooving in no time. The instrumentals are cute and introduce some video game bites. It’s fun, an easy listen.

The closing track is the EDM version of the title track.

Overall, ‘UNFRAMED’ by WOOAH is one fun album! Check it out here on Spotify.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.