photo credit by sunwashere

MV Recommendation: Sunwashere – Dance

For this week’s Music Video Recommendation I’ve been wanting to feature the MV for ‘Dance’ by Sunwashere for a while.

Sunwashere (pronounced as sun was here) is a Korean indie singer who doesn’t have the biggest discography yet, but the couple of singles she has, show that she has a bright future ahead of her. 

The music video is about a boy who gets bullied for liking to dance. He gets back at his bullies with confetti and a really pretty ballet choreo. It’s very simple storytelling but it’s incredibly hard to get it right. 

It’s effectiveness lies in the simple storytelling. I thought it was beautiful and I wanted to share, so here it is.

Go take a look at her Instagram.

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.