Korean Indie/Rock Bands Part 4

As a last gift for the holiday season, I am giving you Part 4 of Korean Indie/Rock Bands. You guys, there’s so many good ones I find it harder and harder to choose. So this one is just filled with my personal favorites (not to say that the ones in Part 1, 2, 3 weren’t).


Photo Credit by HYUKOH

Of course I was going to feature HYUKOH. If I hadn’t you could have rightfully told me to get lost. Any list would have been incomplete without them.

Here’s their Spotify.


Photo Credit by Hoppipolla

SuperBand was one of the best things of 2019, because they brought us so many amazing covers and they also gave us Hoppipolla. Ha Hyunsang is one of my favorite artists, you can see that in all the articles I’ve written about him. But I might also have a tiny crush for the smiling cellist. The man should do a chewing gum commercial, I swear to God.

Here’s their Spotify.


Photo credit by NELL

These guys have been active for 18 years so you’re going to find at least one song to love and cry over. 

Here’s their Spotify.

Sultan Of The Disco

Photo credit by Sultan Of The Disco

Tip from the writer; read the lyrics of the song. Just turn on the captions, there are English translations.

Here’s their Spotify.


Photo credit by IZ

I love these guys so much. They’re relatively new in the scene, only having debuted in 2017. But they’re so cool.

Here’s their Spotify.


Photo credit by Zagmachi

If you look in the dictionary for the word ‘underrated’ you see their picture. 

Here’s their Spotify.


Photo credit by Guckkasten

Their latest release was so trippy y’all.

Here’s their Spotify.

The Solutions

Photo credit by The Solutions

Straight up fire.

Here’s their Spotify.


Photo Credit by Astronuts

Apart from this one EP I can’t really find anything else about them, but it’s definitely worth a listen.

Here’s their Spotify.


Photo credit by ADOY

A lot of smooth 80s synth influences, and it’s so, so great.

Here’s their Spotify.

That’s it for Korean Indie/Rock Bands Part 4. With the four parts I’ve only covered half of my list so I will write more of these. That’ll probably be after Christmas though. So keep an eye out.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.