Photo credit by SD Ent

Girl Group SATURDAY is back with the single album ‘D.B.D.B.DIB’

SATURDAY is back with the single album ‘D.B.D.B.DIB’, which includes the single with the same name, its instrumental version and the track ‘Love You’.

D.B.D.B.DIB’ is the title track for this single album. This track is a fun and upbeat bubblegum pop single with a catchy chorus that will not leave your head for a couple of hours. The music video is adorable and loaded with pastel colours and an overload of cuteness. 

The very soft ballad ‘Love You’ is next with some great vocals and a soft and heartwarming tempo. Last on this single album is the instrumental version of the title track. 

You can listen to this release below. 

K-Beauty enthusiast, Drama Lover, Melophile and Foodie, writing about her faves on a daily basis.