K-pop Releases This Week

Get ready for another hectic week of trying to stay up to date and trying to listen to all the new releases without missing one.

Go take a look at some of our album reviews. We’ve reviewed some of the last releases from WINNER, TXT, DAY6 and NU’EST. 

Here’s the upcoming schedule!


We have several HUGE comebacks. 

MONSTA X is finally releasing their album. They dropped the MV for ‘Find You’ which was heartbreaking and beautiful. 

Taeyeon is also releasing her second album. #Blessed

Brown Eyed Girls is coming out with their seventh album. You guys have got to see this teaser. 

Hoody is coming out with a full album called ‘Departure’.


First on the list is A.C.E. I honestly can’t wait. Because look at this:


We also have a debut of BDC (Boys Da Capo), the group exists of three people from Produce 101: Kim SiHun & Yun JungHwan & Hong SeongJun. They look so soft!



OnlyOneOf is finally coming back! Their debut hit the K-pop world like a sledgehammer. It was incredible. The teaser pictures have been incredible, original, fresh. I might be a little bit obsessed.

Also the cuties from We In The Zone are releasing new music. Go stan them, because you’re missing out.

Yubin, former member of Wonder Girls is bringing out a solo EP and one of the songs has a feature with Yoon Mi Rae. If you don’t know who that is, go take a look at our DisKovery With A K episode because we love her.

The last one for Wednesday is Eric Nam, a whole cutie, who is releasing new music. 


Samuel Seo is coming back! He’s releasing a full album with new music that I’m going to obsess over and love to death. Exhibit A, our episode about him.

This day Crush is also blessing us, because he’s working together with Pink Sweat$ who is an amazing American rapper. 

Leenzy who has just signed with Planetarium Records is bringing out a digital single. That girl has a voice like honey. I’m stanning.


Our real-life angel IU is gracing the earth with her new EP ‘Love Poem’. 

That’s pretty much it so far. I’m sure that there will be a couple that I missed. Feel free to let us know in the comments! 

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.