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Top 3 Songs Of The Week

I’ve gathered some soft songs for you, because that’s all I need right now.

Number 1: So Soo Bin – Sweet Nothings

This song is like a cup of tea on a cold, rainy day. His voice is honestly one of the softest things I’ve ever heard. The man is under appreciated and I want to spread the word. He’s fantastic, so go check him out.

Number 2: SUZANNE – You Can’t Have Me

This one is a sad one. If you have relationship troubles or you feel lonely and you feel like grey clouds are stuck in your brain, listen to this. It’s not going to make you happier, but if you want to have a good cry, this is perfect. We all need a little cleansing sometimes.

Number 3: Vincent Blue – Stupid

Honestly, the lyrics are quite sad but I think so was Vincent Blue when he wrote it. Let it wash away your anxiety and your troubles, because the jazzy trumpet will do that for you. 

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.