In this week’s Hip-Hop and R&B scene we had a great mix of indie and well-known artist who delivered solid seven days of great music. Let’s dive in! Saturday DYMIN dropped the single ‘Your tone’. Check it here. 0WAVE released the single ‘be your last’. Listen to this single here. ZENE THE ZILLA came back with the single album ‘MEMO ...

Our hip-hop and R&B report is back with a new week filled with excellent new releases. For this edition indie artist took over and left some fantastic tunes to add to your playlist. Let’s dive in! Saturday Tomnerd came back with the EP ‘Monodrama’. Check it here. Jeon Chae Un released the single ‘Slow Dance’. Find it here. Basecamp released ...

Welcome back to a new week in our hip-hop and R&B report. Get ready for new releases packed with indies and alternative vibes, you are set to find dope track and new artists to add to your playlist. Let’s start. Saturday Potatoi released the single ‘Popsicle’. Listen to this single here. OUREALGOAT released the single ‘Pushover’ featuring Jeebanoff.  Find this ...

Welcome back with a new Hip-Hop and R&B report, we had some impressible comebacks this week, let get right into it and dive into the music. Saturday JAEHA came back with the album ‘ALBUM ABOUT U’. Listen to this release here. Jooyoung released the single ‘Misfits’ Sunday’. Find it here. Sunday  DREAMMY released the single ‘Love My Pain’ featuring Young ...

In this week’s edition of our Hip-Hop and R&B report there are many unexpected collaborations, incredible music, and impressive new debuts. The quality in the releases of the last seven days left us shocked, the list is long, so get ready to dive in and add new music to your playlist. Let’s start! Saturday  Makin dropped the album ‘Makintosh’. Listen ...

We are hitting our 100th week in our weekly Hip-Hop and R&B report. It has been well over one year and six months since we started this weekly music discovery journey, and we are very excited that coincidentally this week began at the same time as 2023. Let’s see what 2023 will bring the Hip-Hop and R&B music industry. Saturday ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. Let’s get right into it, the list is long and the music amazing. Saturday Jinee released the single album ‘STRAIGHT’. Check it here. Doyouka released the EP ‘MY’. Listen to this release here. Sikboy and H4NYang teamed up for the single ‘SLASH’. Find it here. Gaho came back ...

Welcome to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. This week was made of mostly indie released and fantastic comebacks. Let’s dive in. Saturday Irony released the single album ‘Ironic’. Listen to this release here. Shoi released the single album ‘drivers’. Find it here. iru released the single ‘Emoticon’. Check it here. 47 dropped the EP ‘How was ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report, get ready for a lot of indie music and a lot of fantastic comebacks. Let’s start. Saturday  Jomalxne released the single ‘Real Slow’. Find it here. YOUJUNGLAN released the single ‘One Night’ featuring Layone. Listen to this release here. Uno dropped the single ‘My Land’ featuring Don Mills. ...

We are back with a new Hip-Hop and R&B report. Get ready to add some cool music finds to your playlist! Let’s start. Saturday Terry dropped the EP ‘DAWN:OFF’. Listen to this release here. Chuflex released the single ‘Holidays in Paris’ featuring Uzuhan.  Check this single here. Gist came back with the single ‘Lens’ featuring jerd.  Listen to this release ...