In this week’s Hip-Hop and R&B scene we had a great mix of indie and well-known artist who delivered solid seven days of great music. Let’s dive in! Saturday DYMIN dropped the single ‘Your tone’. Check it here. 0WAVE released the single ‘be your last’. Listen to this single here. ZENE THE ZILLA came back with the single album ‘MEMO ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Korean Hip-Hop and R&B report. In this edition indie took over, and left some interesting music behind to spark all your senses. Get ready for a total musical ride. Let’s begin. Saturday HUSKI released the single ‘Roche Limit’ featuring XX88D. Check it here. Slevin dropped the single ‘Anemone’ featuring LEECHANHO. Find it ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. For this edition we have big names making comebacks, and some new finds to spice up your playlist. Let’s start. Saturday Kimos debut with the EP ‘Bloom’. Check this release here. Yeeul released the EP ‘22’. This release is not available on Spotify yet.  Kidda plug dropped the ...

We are back with our weekly report. This weeks there were a lot of indie releases, get ready for plenty of R&B and alternative hip-hop. Saturday LEY released the single ‘MAGNOLIA’. Check this release here.  SMOB dropped the single ‘Zombie’ featuring Uranus. Find it here. Owell Mood released the sing;e ‘is’. Listen to this single here. Jiselle came back with ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report, get ready for a lot of indie music and a lot of fantastic comebacks. Let’s start. Saturday  Jomalxne released the single ‘Real Slow’. Find it here. YOUJUNGLAN released the single ‘One Night’ featuring Layone. Listen to this release here. Uno dropped the single ‘My Land’ featuring Don Mills. ...

Welcome back to a new Hip-Hop and R&B report. The new releases of this week’s were amazing and unique, so get ready for a variety of sounds. Let’s start. Saturday G.Nine dropped the single ‘Boston’. Find it here. LT released the EP ‘Southside’. Check this release here.  Grim released the single ‘Ringer’. Listen to this release here. Skyminhyuk dropped the ...

Welcome back to our weekly Hip-Hop and R&B report. We had a lot a indie releases, so get ready for fantastic tunes! Let’s start. Saturday Hawaiian Texture released the single ‘Sustaining’. Listen to this release here. OoOo came back with the single ‘Need You’. Check this single here. Cloudybay dropped the single ‘The broken string’. Find this single here. OSAMARI ...