We are back with a brand new Hip-Hop and R&B report. Let’s get right into the music and get ready to discover new artist and awesome music. Saturday VIN DOTSON dropped the single ‘12/10’. Listen to this single here.  Heroincity and Sadboy JB teamed up for ‘Want It’. Find it here. Golden Donut released the EP ‘Second Line’. Check it ...

Welcome back to a brand new Hip-Hop/R&B report. The comebacks this week were amazing, so get ready for fantastic tunes. Let’s start. Saturday D END released the single ‘다시, 서른에게’. Find it here. Boyboyboy came back with the single ‘MESSY’. Check it here. Vapo released the single ‘Sirius’ featuring M1NU. This single is not available on Spotify.  Bang Jae Min ...