This week’s Hip-Hop and R&B report features indie artist carving their way in the music scene with fantastic tunes and a lot of creativity. Get ready for a total vibey ride. Let’s start. Saturday KAZUN released the single ‘MOMENT’ featuring Taeb2. Find it here. IFCHAN dropped the single ‘Sweet Light’ featuring seoseo.  Check it here. Yang Kyle came back with ...

Welcome back to a new week in our hip-hop and R&B report. The music scene moved at full speed this time and left some fantastic releases, the mix this time is a bit more experimental, but nevertheless a fantastic listen. Let’s start. Saturday Arkyteccc released the album ‘deus ex machina’. Find it here. YSAP dropped the single ‘Closer’ featuring BLND. ...

We are back with another edition of our Hip-Hop and R&B report. In this edition you will find a lot of indie music waiting to be discovered. Let’s dive in! Saturday Seoseo released the single ‘LALALA’. Find it here. SOOIN dropped the single ‘I’m afraid’. Check it here.  FUZZILY released the single ‘Best Friend’. Listen to this single here. Minzuki ...

Welcome back to a new week in our hip-hop and R&B report. Get ready for new releases packed with indies and alternative vibes, you are set to find dope track and new artists to add to your playlist. Let’s start. Saturday Potatoi released the single ‘Popsicle’. Listen to this single here. OUREALGOAT released the single ‘Pushover’ featuring Jeebanoff.  Find this ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. Let’s get right into it, the list is long and the music amazing. Saturday Jinee released the single album ‘STRAIGHT’. Check it here. Doyouka released the EP ‘MY’. Listen to this release here. Sikboy and H4NYang teamed up for the single ‘SLASH’. Find it here. Gaho came back ...

We are back with a new weekly report, this time indie music took over and delivered some very cool and interesting tunes. Let’s check them out! Saturday R&B singer Jiae debuted with the album ‘Love is Love’. Listen to this album here.  JOPH dropped the single ‘Run’ featuring EGON. Check it here. GOYA released the single ‘LIKE ME’ featuring Ourealgoat. ...

In this week’s Hip-Hop and R&B radar we had amazing comebacks. It was a busy week of hit after hit, so let’s get right into it. Saturday NeD released the album ‘NerdBoy’. Check it here.  Sway D and DJ MAD teamed up for the single album ‘Free Mad’. Find it here. Junoflo dropped the single ‘No Limit’ featuring Dok2. Listen ...

We are back with a brand new Hip-Hop and R&B report. This week was packed with fantastic comebacks from rising artist. Let’s dive in. Saturday R&B singer Jerry released the single ‘Good Night’. Find it here. Heyden dropped the EP ‘Days and nights’. Listen to this release here. LOLLY released the single album ‘Love$ick’. Listen to this release here. Donutman ...

Welcome back to a brand new Hip-Hop and R&B report. Get ready for new music and cool comebacks, let’s start. Saturday GoLP released the single ‘Blur’. Listen to this release here. PAXXWORD dropped the single album ‘Guapo’. Find this release here. R&B singer Kyung Dasom released the single ‘CARE’. Listen to this single here. S+FE released the EP ‘S+AFETY F1RSTVOL.2’. ...

We’re back with a new Weekly Korean Indie Report. Let’s see who released new music! So sit back, relax and enjoy all of this new content. SUNDAY The band OOCarpet came out with their mini-album ‘OOCarpet’ and I dig it. You can listen to it here. Thmoon released the new single ‘WAFU’. You can find it here. Kim Leebull dropped ...