For this week’s Hip-Hop and R&B report we have an incredible mix of artist, beats, vibes and genres. Get ready for fantastic tunes and an epic week in the Korean R&B and Hip-Hop scene. Saturday DADA dropped the single ‘Turn!’. Check it here. Seizetheday released the single ‘The day I ran into you, on the bus’. Find it here. Daehan ...

Our weekly Hip-Hop and R&B report is back with a new week. Get ready to dive into interesting comebacks and indie releases ready to be discovered and listened to. Saturday ChillYoungO released the single album ‘Mess’. Find it here. Jayroh dropped the single ‘Slow In Fast Out’. Check it here. Oftn released the single ‘Summer In Paris’ featuring Sonny ZEro. ...

We are back with another edition of our Hip-Hop and R&B report. In this edition you will find a lot of indie music waiting to be discovered. Let’s dive in! Saturday Seoseo released the single ‘LALALA’. Find it here. SOOIN dropped the single ‘I’m afraid’. Check it here.  FUZZILY released the single ‘Best Friend’. Listen to this single here. Minzuki ...

Big artists, new debuts, and smooth music with the best Hip-Hop and R&B tunes took over this week. You are in for a wild ride packed with incredible music picked just for you. Let’s start! Saturday Loeyn came back with the single ‘COSMOS’. Check it here. Yourbeagle came back with the single ‘Lovers’ Quarrel’. Find it here. Youra dropped the ...

The first week of 2024 was packed with new finds, surprises and dope music. This year couldn’t have started better, get ready, your are in for a music trip. Let’s dive in! Saturday Kiik and ShinGiWon released the Ep ‘Sunshine Me’. Check it here. Autumn and Muffin teamed up for the single ‘Frog Man’. Find this single here. 27RING and ...

We are back with our weekly report, and this time is all about incredible comebacks, concept and music videos. There is a lot to go through, let’s start. Saturday R&B singer Sinstealer released the single ‘Sandwich’. Find it here. Takey came back with the single ‘HAPPY’. Check it here. Rredrain released the EP ‘Monster’. Find it here.  MarginChoi and HD ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. This week was packed with indie releases a few new emerging artist. Let’s start! Saturday Slevin released the single ‘Far’. Check it here. MUL released the EP ‘Fa’i’th’. Find it here. Zoey dropped the single ‘Ghost’ featuring DAMYE. Check it here. HD BL4CK came back with the album ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report, get ready for a lot of indie music and a lot of fantastic comebacks. Let’s start. Saturday  Jomalxne released the single ‘Real Slow’. Find it here. YOUJUNGLAN released the single ‘One Night’ featuring Layone. Listen to this release here. Uno dropped the single ‘My Land’ featuring Don Mills. ...

We had a week full of indie releases. Get ready to discover new artists and a lot of gems! Let’s start! Saturday MONGWOONG released the EP ‘BY YOUR SIDE’. Listen to this EP here. Wolfie dropped the single ‘Moments of choice’. Find this single here. Terry released the single ‘Call to you’. Check this single here. bluewoods released the single ...

We are back with this week’s releases. Get ready for some impressive tunes. Let’s start! Saturday MOSS OMEN released the single ‘MS. AMPUTEE’. Find this release here. SEER dropped the single ‘GRAVITY’. Listen to this single here.   IOHBOY released the single ‘Hate you’ featuring YoungKash. Check this release here.  1NHA and Churry released the single ‘Good Life’. Find it here. ...