Welcome back to a new week in our Korean Hip-Hop and R&B report. In this edition indie took over, and left some interesting music behind to spark all your senses. Get ready for a total musical ride. Let’s begin. Saturday HUSKI released the single ‘Roche Limit’ featuring XX88D. Check it here. Slevin dropped the single ‘Anemone’ featuring LEECHANHO. Find it ...

Welcome back to our weekly Hip-Hop and R&B report. We had a lot a indie releases, so get ready for fantastic tunes! Let’s start. Saturday Hawaiian Texture released the single ‘Sustaining’. Listen to this release here. OoOo came back with the single ‘Need You’. Check this single here. Cloudybay dropped the single ‘The broken string’. Find this single here. OSAMARI ...

We had a very chill week full of very cool come backs, and a lot of indie Hip-Hop and R&B. Get ready to add some awesome tune to your playlist! Saturday Juhyeok released the single ‘Runaway’. For more music check his Spotify profile. Cullinan dropped the single ‘Metronome’ featuring lobonabeat! Listen to this single here. XenomiX released the single ‘Sober’. ...

Welcome back to a new Hip-Hop/R&B report. This week we had a lot on Indie Hip-Hop released and some fresh R&B tunes. Let’s start.  Sunday Quinn_ released the single ‘don’t ask me why i’m hurting’. Listen to this release here. Acy blu dropped the single ‘Nonlove’. Listen to this release here. DJ Sparrow and bluewoods released the single ‘Glitch Love’, ...