Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. This week we had many new discoveries, get ready to add some criminally underrated artists to your playlist. Let’s Start. Saturday JA!L released the single ‘Pay for it!’. Check it here. 4BOUT released the single ‘Sunbed’. Find it here. From all to human came back with the album ...

Our Hip-Hop and R&B report is back with new recommendations, sit back and get ready for bop after bop. Let’s dive in. Saturday  ChoiS released the single ‘Good Luck To You’. Find this single here. B-Free came back with the album ‘FREE tHE MANE “END OF AMEN”’. Check it here. Jung Gyu Min released the song ‘Maverick’ featuring Len Adz. ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. This week was packed with indie releases a few new emerging artist. Let’s start! Saturday Slevin released the single ‘Far’. Check it here. MUL released the EP ‘Fa’i’th’. Find it here. Zoey dropped the single ‘Ghost’ featuring DAMYE. Check it here. HD BL4CK came back with the album ...

Welcome back to a new week in the Hip-Hop and R&B report. This time legends came back with amazing albums and killing collabs, and as usual we got the underground artists their amazing sound. Let’s start! Saturday Illionoah released the album ‘Maginot Line’. Listen to this release here.  LauRel came back with the EP ‘VIOLET’. Find this release here. Luci ...

We had a very chill week full of very cool come backs, and a lot of indie Hip-Hop and R&B. Get ready to add some awesome tune to your playlist! Saturday Juhyeok released the single ‘Runaway’. For more music check his Spotify profile. Cullinan dropped the single ‘Metronome’ featuring lobonabeat! Listen to this single here. XenomiX released the single ‘Sober’. ...

This week we had some killer music releases. Get ready for a journey! Saturday 1060 dropped the single ‘비싸’. For more of his releases head over to his Spotify profile. Alt released the single ‘Bucket list’. Listen to this single here. JungHun and O$TEN dropped the single ‘Starry Night’. Find this single here. TAGGER released the single ‘NANO’. Check it ...