[Review] DAY6 – Band Aid

The boys from DAY6 are back to stun us with their latest mini-album ‘Band Aid’. We’re super stoked, so let’s dive right in!

Band Aid

We start off with the track ‘Monster’. We’re going for a classic British rock sound from the 90s which DAY6 translates effortlessly. We’ve heard this genre before by them and it’s always a pleasure. The track speaks of a vicious and painful loneliness the main character feels that makes him into a monster. I particularly liked the distortion during the bridge.

Next up is the title track ‘Melt Down’. This is a relatively short track for them but it doesn’t take away the absolute power the track has. I’m getting throwbacks to their J-pop era and it’s cool as hell. The piano chords are popping off in the instrumentals.

‘She Smiled’ comes along with a fun light pop rock track with a cool Jack Swing tempo.

After that comes ‘Shxtty Game’. We’re going for a 90s modern rock sound which is pretty sick. The dense layering of the instrumentation makes for a cool listening experience. I like how they played with tempo here and there, also the chorus is adorable.

‘Help me Rock&Roll’ is a fun rock track with influences from the 60s. The little ‘shoobidoo’s were adorable and made it super fun. I loved this one a lot!

‘COUNTER’ is a very unique track as it combines rock with the R&B tempo and even has some hip-hop influences thrown in.

Next up is ‘I’m fine’. We’re going for alt rock which gives the song a bitter edge. I’m really digging this slightly grungier sound.

The closing track of this comeback is ‘Still There’. It wouldn’t be DAY6 if they didn’t have at least one gutwrenching ballad in their release. This one is beautiful and gradually builds up its intensity.

Overall ‘Band Aid’ is a fantastic mini by DAY6.

You can listen to the album on Spotify here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.