Photo credit Juntos Music

Indie Pick: Casker – Summer Night

This is a new segment on M.E.A.L. where we are striving to give you the best Korean Indie songs out there. 

We want to put more Indie artists in the spotlight since we think there’s real talent lurking around everywhere. 

Casker is the indie duo that is starting this series off. The duo exists out of producer Lee Jun Oh and vocalist Yung Jin. 

Their song: ‘Summer Night’ is a beautiful, soft, electronic dream that has the incredible vocals of Yung Jin. 

This is a digital single they released in 2016 and it is hugely underrated in my eyes.

Take a look!

Here’s their Spotify in case you want to add it to your playlist.

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.