Photo credit by Studio Choom

Dance Choreo: Soojin – Got It

For this week’s Dance Choreo, I wanted to put some spotlight on Soojin from (G)I-DLE and her performance for STUDIO CHOOM.

She’s dancing to the song ‘Got It’ by Marian Hill. The choreo itself was created by Kim Sehwan and Kim Hyunjin. If there’s ever a personification need for sexiness, tell them to watch this video because Soojin immediately grabs your attention and she doesn’t let go for the full three minutes of her performance. 

It’s utterly brilliant and we love her even more after this. Because WOW. It reminds me a bit of burlesque performers, especially with the outfit she’s wearing.

Go ahead and watch ‘Got It’ by Soojin.

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.