Photo credit by Sagong

[Indie Pick] Sagong

For this week’s Indie Pick, we’re writing about Sagong

Sagong is a Korean singer-songwriter who had his official debut with the EP ‘A Careless Fellow’. He’s not under any record label, he’s doing all of it himself though he did give licensing rights to Mirrorball Music. 

The title track with the same name feels quite ‘summer in a tropical location while drinking coconut water’. It’s a lovely vibe but I think it’s good that it’s only the title track that carries that vibe. The rest follows the indie folk route a bit more. 

Interestingly enough, if you take a look at the lyrics of ‘A Careless Fellow’ it seems quite sad so it’s definitely a curious dichotomy.

“What’s wrong with us
Please tell me my sweetheart
I don’t believe it
I’m still waiting for you
I can’t believe it
I’m still waiting for your kiss
I want to believe you still like me
So come back to me”


His second EP ‘A Careless Fellow = Sagong’ starts with a child laughing. It’s something that can go in two different directions, either it’s super lovely and adorable or it turns into a horror show. Fortunately, it’s the former for ‘Nostalgia, Nostalgia!’. 


Another interesting thing about Sagong’s releases are the album covers. I feel like they’re so aesthetically pleasing. 

The first song I really discovered by Sagong was the track ‘I thought it was love’. I was really intrigued by the music video and decided to do a deep dive after. I found the track while writing the K-Indie Report of that week.

He doesn’t have a huge discography yet, since he only debuted in 2019, however the stuff he has out so far really hits the indie folk spot in my heart. So I’m very curious to see what he will release in the future. 

The latest single Sagong released is ‘Sandcastle’ which has a scrumptious guitar riff.

To close the article, I figured I’d share this video where he plays the guitar.

Go check out his YouTube channel. You can listen to his discography on Spotify here and follow him on Instagram here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.