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Hip-Hop and R&B Diskovery – November

For this month’s Hip-Hop and R&B diskovery we had a few finds and amazing comebacks. This list is rather short but the quality is through the roof.

Starting off the month we stumbled upon sonzaboytellem and his self titled single ‘Sonza Boy Tell’em’. This track has a vibe and his rapping is just cool and very fresh. Here is his Instagram if you want to check his projects out. 

We probably have mentioned Qim Isle before, but we have to mention once again this very underrated artist, he released the album ‘some hearts are for two’, and it is probably one of the most experimental and personal releases we have listened to. A masterpiece from start to end. 

Here is his Instagram, and listen to this album here, we are doing a special review of this release in our special annual magazine, keep an eye on TheKMEAL! 

For smooth R&B we want to recommend the indie artist Easel, he released the EP ‘Four Seasons’ and the sound is just fantastic, check it out here.

Here is his Instagram

The producer dnss came back with his EP ‘PERSONA: 3AM’, this release has a fantastic mix of beats and cool features. Get ready for a listening journey with this one, check it out here

Check out his Instagram here

We discovered Chan not long ago after his collaborative album with HAAN. This time he came back with a new album and it is an absolute gem. ‘Look at Me!!!’, besides having an amazing list of features, it also includes an amazing mix of tunes and flawless composition. We can definitely see him becoming popular in the near future, this release is FIRE.

Listen to this release here, and follow him on Instagram for aesthetics.

That was it for our November’s Hip-Hop and R&B discovery. To listen to our favourite single of the month make sure to head over to our Spotify playlist

K-Beauty enthusiast, Drama Lover, Melophile and Foodie, writing about her faves on a daily basis.