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Top 3

We’re going soft hours with this week’s Top 3. It’s that time of year where the days are getting shorter and the lights in the apartments make me wonder about their lives and whether or not they’re happy. So listen to these songs to comfort your soul.  

Number 1: Hyukoh – Gondry

This song is aging incredibly well. Every time I listen to it, it soothes me. It’s the combination of the beautiful instrumentals, Oh Hyuk’s husky vocals and a stunning music video.

Number 2: Yerin Baek – Can I be U

Yerin Baek has this angelical vocal timbre that I just can never get sick of. 

Number 3: CHOSNG – Lake

This song is incredible and soothing and sad and I might just be a tad obsessed.

That was it for this week’s Top 3, Make sure to listen to our Spotify playlists here. Happy Listening!

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.