All credit goes to the rightful owners

We’re back with a new Top 3! The theme of this week is soft, slower melodies that will ease the heartache a little bit. Enjoy.

Number 1: Stray Kids – Ex

Their entire album was amazing but I think ‘Ex’ might be one of my favorite ones, especially after their music video release. I’ve been seeing so many TikToks about ghost photoshoots so imagine my surprise when Stray Kids put it in MV form.

Number 2: Kim Jiwoo – HanRiver

I’ve featured this song in our Weekly K-Indie Report a while back but I still can’t stop listening to this so I figured I’d list it here as well. This song is soft and floats very much like the river. 

Number 3: Dreamcatcher – Trust Me

This song by Dreamcatcher is so freaking soft. Honestly, just enjoy the heavenly vocals and turn the captions on.

That’s it for this Top 3. I hope you find some comfort in these songs. I know I did. 

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.