Photo credit by Sidus HQ

[Time Capsule] G.O.D – Road

We’re back with a new Time Capsule, this time we’re featuring the iconic G.O.D and their single ‘Road’. 

We’re not talking about the biblical G.O.D, just to clear confusion, we’re talking about Groove Over Dose. This is an iconic K-pop group that debuted in 1999. The group consisting of Joon, Kyesang, Danny, Hoyoung and Taewoo. These dudes were/are huge! They were part of the first gen alongside Fin.K.L., Shinhwa and S.E.S

They performed together from 1999 to 2005 and then were on a nine year hiatus before coming together again in 2014.

The song ‘Road’ is an iconic ballad. Recently Henry and the other members of ‘Begin Again’ a busking show covered the song and it brought everyone to tears, myself included. Feel free to watch the clip here, because they did it beautifully.

I wanted to add this live clip as well, because they do it so well.

You can find the single on Spotify here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.