This week’s Hip-Hop and R&B report features indie artist carving their way in the music scene with fantastic tunes and a lot of creativity. Get ready for a total vibey ride. Let’s start. Saturday KAZUN released the single ‘MOMENT’ featuring Taeb2. Find it here. IFCHAN dropped the single ‘Sweet Light’ featuring seoseo.  Check it here. Yang Kyle came back with ...

Our weekly Hip-Hop and R&B report is back with a new week. Get ready to dive into interesting comebacks and indie releases ready to be discovered and listened to. Saturday ChillYoungO released the single album ‘Mess’. Find it here. Jayroh dropped the single ‘Slow In Fast Out’. Check it here. Oftn released the single ‘Summer In Paris’ featuring Sonny ZEro. ...

It was another great week for Hip-Hop and R&B, many fan favourites came back with new music, and some even dropped collaborative albums. Get ready for plenty of surprises and amazing music! Let’s Start! Saturday Honey Apple came back with the single ‘Find the love’. Find this release here. Neulbo and sushiwishfish released the single ‘Umm’ featuring Kwan Yeong Hoon. ...

Indie releases took over this week’s hip-hop and R&B releases. We have listed the highlights day by day, keep reading and get ready to discover brand new music. Let’s start. Saturday V1VA released the single ‘La Vida Loca’. Check it here. BANGJA dropped the single ‘Roll The Dice’ featuring Skinny Brown. Find it here. eiji released the single ‘April Fools’. ...

Welcome back to another week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. Let’s dive in and get read for dope music. Saturday JONGSAN dropped the single ‘Puff Puff’. Check it here. PAXXWORD released the single ‘RacebyPAXX’. Find it here. Nieah came back with the single ‘Not Me’. Listen to this single here. Squabby Doo released the single ‘GULA’ featuring QM. Find ...

We want to share the best music with you!. This time we are sharing a bi-weekly recap of the OSTs released. Soundtracks for dramas and movies are just incredible, and we wanted to share all of them with you. Let’s start. Week 1 Monday Sondia released the single ‘Cloudy day’ as part of the OST for the drama ‘Hello, Me!’.  ...

We’ve done all the work for you and listed all the K-pop Releases and Comebacks for you. We have some interesting releases coming this week, so get ready.  TUESDAY An interesting collab, one that I didn’t really see coming, is the new release ‘Loveship’. Paul Kim and Chung Ha are both featured on that and I’m crazy curious to see ...