Photo credit by Neuron Music

Peakboy is back with ‘Late Night’

Peakboy is back with his new single ‘Late Night’ and dear God, this is a song with a cotton candy core.

‘Late Night’ is a lo-fi hip-hop song with some beautiful instrumentation. I’m a little in love with the guitar solo. The song is about the excitement of not being able to fall asleep because he’s too excited for his date in the morning.

It’s literally too sweet, watch me listening to this song in a loop for the rest of the day. Go ahead and listen to ‘Late Night’ by Peakboy.

Sadly, the single isn’t on Spotify yet, here’s his Artist Profile so keep an eye out.

Ilse Van Den Heede
A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.