We are back with a brand new report, this week was specially good for R&B, get ready for some music gems. Saturday KANGXIHO dropped the single ‘X 4 Love’ featuring JI HYEON MIN. Find it here. FeelTong released the single ‘Roller Skate’. Check it out here. Roydo released the single ‘Affogato’. For more music check his Spotify profile. Lee Joohyung ...
We’re back with a new Weekly Korean Indie Report. Let’s see who released new music! So sit back, relax and enjoy all of this new content. SUNDAY YOHAN released the single ‘To Her’ which is a beautifully layered ballad. You can find it here. Quinn came out with ‘don’t ask me why I’m hurting’. You can find it here. Woo ...
We’re back with a new Weekly K-Indie Report. Let’s see who released new music! So sit back, relax and enjoy all of this new content. SUNDAY GOTCHA ! came out with the single ‘WCID’. You can listen to it here. Lee Hyung Eun dropped the absolutely stunning single ‘Be There?’. You can find it here. PARKMOONCHI and Young K released ...