For this week’s Hip-Hop and R&B report we have an incredible mix of artist, beats, vibes and genres. Get ready for fantastic tunes and an epic week in the Korean R&B and Hip-Hop scene. Saturday DADA dropped the single ‘Turn!’. Check it here. Seizetheday released the single ‘The day I ran into you, on the bus’. Find it here. Daehan ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Korean Hip-Hop and R&B report. In this edition indie took over, and left some interesting music behind to spark all your senses. Get ready for a total musical ride. Let’s begin. Saturday HUSKI released the single ‘Roche Limit’ featuring XX88D. Check it here. Slevin dropped the single ‘Anemone’ featuring LEECHANHO. Find it ...

Welcome back to a new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. This week was packed with indie releases a few new emerging artist. Let’s start! Saturday Slevin released the single ‘Far’. Check it here. MUL released the EP ‘Fa’i’th’. Find it here. Zoey dropped the single ‘Ghost’ featuring DAMYE. Check it here. HD BL4CK came back with the album ...

It is a brand new week in our Hip-Hop and R&B report. This week indie releases took over, and we discovered a lot of new music we want to share with you. Sit tight and get ready for a lot of recommendations with a diverse sound, and unique vibe. Let’s start. Saturday AINILL released the single ‘GOD MODE 2’. Listen ...

We had a rather quiet week in the Hip-Hop and R&B music radar. Nevertheless, the EPs, singles and collabs we got are absolute fire. Let’s dive in. Saturday MALO released the single ‘Sunset’. Find it here. Rico dropped the single ‘Sexual Healing’. Check this release here. Gist came back with the album ‘Beginning’. Listen to this release here. Sunday  Seoseo ...