WebToon Feature – Ghost Teller

As our reality begins to resemble a dystopian novel more with each passing day, we all need that extra dose of escapism in our lives. And really, is there a better way to do that than reading a WebToon or watching a K-drama or two?

Today I’d like to introduce you to a brilliant series called “Ghost Teller“. This is a horror series, but I promise you it will appeal to those of us who can’t normally do horror as well.

Ghost Teller

In “Ghost Teller“, the Grim Reaper and a group of ghosts are gathered around a table and are exchanging horror stories about humans.

Each ghost is trying to impress the others by telling the darkest story of human depravity and crime they can come up with.

If you’re looking for a “faith in humanity restored” kind of ray-of-hope story, this is not that story.

The idea is that by flipping the tables -not humans telling ghost stories, but ghosts telling scary human stories-, the focus is not on the supernatural, but rather on all the despicable, ugly things people are capable of all on their own.

However, this is not done in an exagerrated ‘gory’ or B-horror flick kind of ridiculous manner. The stories are so well-written that you could just as well be watching a true crime show. The characters are fleshed out, their motivations are clear. As a result, the terrible things they end up doing chill you to the bone. It’s been a while since I read the first story, yet I still remember every detail.

Simply put, the artwork is phenomenal. It has an eerie quality that captivates the reader, and it really amplifies the impact of each story.

The series is still ongoing, but has a lot to keep you entertained. Plus, since each story is only a few chapters long, you can read them one by one instead of bingeing the whole thing. If you haven’t already, don’t forget to check out these series as well!

Stay home and stay safe!

Avid manga fan, language nerd, RPG-gamer and coffee addict, I accidentally wandered into K-pop fandom in 2009 and stuck around to share the love ^_^
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