[Review] Decision To Leave

Photo credits go to the rightful owner

We’re back with a new film review, this time about the 2022 film ‘Decision To Leave’.

The film was co-written and directed by Park Chan-wook who’s work you undoubtedly have heard of. He was responsible for ‘The Handmaiden’, ‘Stoker’, ‘Oldboy’ and many more. 

‘Decision To Leave’ is a mystery film with a dash of sexual and romantic tension. The story follows detective Hae-Joon, portrayed by Park Hae-il who is trying to investigate the unnatural death that took place on a mountain. 

The person who died is the husband of Seo-Rae, played by the Chinese actress Tang Wei. At the beginning she seems both innocent and guilty at the same time so our detective has a hard time figuring out if she did it or not. 

The tension between the two rises and they discover there’s quite a bit of mutual attraction between the two.

Detective Hae-Joon has a bit of a Sherlockian mind and I love how we get to see that in his actions and cinematography. His character was very interesting and made intriguing jumps in logic. Seo-Rae’s character was equally as interesting if not a tad more. Her role jumps from victim to vindictive in a snap and the actress Tang Wei did a fantastic job! 

The full cinematography was so well done.  It worked hand in hand with the editing and it really elevated the story and turned this film into a beautiful work. Sometimes it was a bit disorienting, but as soon as you get used to the jumps, you’re all set. 

This is undoubtedly one of my favorite films of 2022. ‘Decision To Leave’ is a thrilling film to watch and everything from the story, to the performances and the film score are well-thought out and brilliant.

Watch the trailer below.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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