Ode To The Artist: Cotoba

Photo credits go tot the rightful owners

We’re back with a new Ode To The Artist, this time we’re putting the focus on one of my personal favorite groups Cotoba. 


Cotoba consists of four members. There’s Dafne who’s in charge of guitar and is also the producer. There’s DyoN Joo who does the vocals and the second guitar. The bass is played by euPHemia and the drum by Marker. 

They officially debuted in 2019 with the EP ‘Form of Tongue’ with the title track ‘Disparition’.

That same year Cotoba also released the single ‘Loss’.

In 2020 they came back with their second mini-album ‘Name of the seasons’. Fun fact, for the release of this album they wanted to take an environmentally friendly approach and they collaborated with Pong Soap to create a vegan and cruelty free soap.

They also dropped a Korean and Japanese version of ‘Orangette’.

The year after Cotoba came out with the single ‘Curry’ and their third EP ‘Since the World is about to end’. I love the fact that ‘Curry’ is basically a cooking video. If anyone has tried to recreate the recipe, let me know!

Their first full-length album was released last year. ‘4pricot’ is absolutely wonderful and has a whopping three title tracks. We actually featured the Mv for ‘Kyrie’ in our MV Recommendations before, which you can check here.

Their most recent comeback was ‘Indigo Blue’ which came out last week.

Go check out their Instagram here and listen to their full discography on Spotify here

Take a look at their Bandcamp page here.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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