[Indie Pick] Sueun

Photo credits: Mercury

We’re back with our new Indie Pick and this time we’re taking a closer look at singer-songwriter Sueun. 


Ahn Soo-Eun debuted in April 2019 with the single ‘Forever Always’. She wrote, composed and arranged the track herself. In her album description she wrote this: “Time with loved ones is precious and beautiful, even when you say nothing.” It’s a statement I absolutely adore. 

She also released ‘Dear’. Her style stays within the indie electro pop realm which is quite lovely. I really enjoy how she layers her music. 

In 2020 Sueun came back with the single ‘Nothing’.

She also released ‘Past Love’.

2021 was a big year because she released the two pre-release singles ‘broccoli’ and ‘how to know our love’ and her first full-length album ‘9 ways to say “I love you”’.

The album has two title tracks. ‘Haute’ and ‘ham’. On the album I particularly liked ‘The Way That I Love You’ because of its acoustic and rustic feeling. It’s sueun’s vocals, with the guitar and some backing vocals. It’s simple but sweet and heartfelt.

Overall, Sueun is still a relatively new artist, but I’m very curious to see what she brings out next. She has a really cool indie electronica style that I enjoy. I hope she releases new music soon. 

You can follow her on Instagram here. Here’s the link to her Spotify Profile.

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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