Dance Choreo You Should Watch: D-CRUNCH – Panorama

Photo credit by AI Grand Korea

We’re back with a new Dance Choreo You Should Watch, this time I’m stoked to feature D-CRUNCH. 

Ever since the YouTube algorithm showed me ‘Palace’ with that iconic opening line I’ve been hooked on their music. I honestly don’t understand why they haven’t blown up yet, because they’re super cool and their music is just straight FIRE. 

I could have featured any dance practice really, but I really wanted to share ‘Panorama’. Just look at that synchronized leg work y’all. It’s insane. 

Stop sleeping on them y’all. They’re awesome. They recently signed with a new agency, so maybe they’ll get promoted better. Fingers crossed!

Go follow them on Instagram, because despite the D-CRUNCH image, they’re all big softies. 

A writer with a slight coffee addiction and a tendency to find K-Indie gems in the YouTube rabbit hole.
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